Don't forget Thursday is an Early Dismissal! All schools will be let out two hours early. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
early dismissal
The YWCA is having a coat drive! See more info below. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
ywca coat drive
The “Here Comes the Bus” app is currently down. Unfortunately, we are anticipating the app to be down until mid-February. Verizon Wireless no longer supports the 3G equipment on our buses effective January 1. New 4G equipment has been ordered; however, due to shipping delays we are still waiting for the equipment to arrive so it can be installed. We will send out an update once the app is back up and running. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions regarding busing, please contact the Bus Garage at 330-829-0348.
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
here comes the bus
AMS staff hosted Hoodies for Holidays! Staff could take a tag off the window, which had a student's hoodie size and favorite restaurant. Those who took tags picked out a hoodie and purchased a gift card for the student. What a great way to give back and be Caring Citizens! Way to go, AMS! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Hoodies for Holidays
Just a reminder to all that there is always help available. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
you are not alone
Winter break is just two days away! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
winter break
The talent at AMS was on full display during the Winter Arts Night! All the performers did a great job and the art work on display was amazing. Way to represent our value of high performance! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AMS Arts Night
AMS Arts Night
AMS Arts Night
AMS Arts Night
Stop by AMS on Tuesday! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AMS Winter Arts Night
Did you know? Every year, absences spike in the weeks before and after winter break. A few days here and there can add up. We need your help in continuing to make everyday count this school year. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
did you know
The ACS Wash-N-Go Laundry Day is a week away! There are still 6 spots available for Aviator families. Times available are: 11 am - 12 pm 12-1 pm 1-2 pm #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
ACS Wash-N-Go Laundry Day Info
7th graders had the opportunity to visit the AHS Cosmetology class for hair cuts! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AMS students visit cosmetology class
AMS students visit cosmetology class
AMS students visit cosmetology class
AMS students visit cosmetology class
The Alliance Middle School students did an amazing job putting on their production of "Annie Jr." this past weekend! Special shouts out go to Kara Eversdyke and Stella Jackson for taking on the lead role of Annie and to Director Shawna Taylor, Assistant Director Heather Shive and Sound Director Logan McGee. #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
annie jr. photos
annie jr. photos
annie jr. photos
annie jr. photos
Thanksgiving Break is November 23-25! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
thanksgiving break
Opening night for "Annie Jr." is tomorrow! Get your tickets here: #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
"Annie Jr." Pictures
"Annie Jr." Pictures
"Annie Jr." Pictures
With the winter weather fast approaching, we want to make sure our Aviator families are aware of the guidance used to call a calamity day. Find out all you need to know about calamity days, including how you will be notified, by clicking below! #RepthatA
about 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Did you know you can recycle old Christmas lights? Alliance City Schools has partnered with Keep Alliance Beautiful to collect old Christmas lights to recycle. They can be dropped off in the boxes outside of each building starting tomorrow through Dec. 16. #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
recycle graphic
The Pancake Jamboree and Band Booster Craft Show took place at AHS this past Saturday. If you attended, chances are you saw a number of our awesome Aviators who volunteered to help serve food during the event! #RepthatA #CaringCitizens
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
students volunteering
students volunteering
students volunteering
students volunteering
Aviator families, The Community Thanksgiving Luncheon is free this Sunday at the Salvation Army. More information below. #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
community thanksgiving dinner
A reminder for all Aviator families! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
no school
A big thank you goes out to all of our our Instructional Coaches today and everyday! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Instructional coaches day