Welcome to Alliance Middle School!
Our building serves students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades and is focused on developing lifelong learners that will one day graduate ready for life, college, and careers!
We have an excellent staff that forms positive relationships with our students and works tirelessly to help them grow academically, artistically, athletically, and socially!
We strive every day to meet the needs of our students and push them to achieve at the highest levels possible. Furthermore, we stress that growth comes from being resilient when faced with setbacks and that we must be accountable to ourselves and each other.
We strongly value working together with our families to help guide our students through their middle school years. I encourage our parents/guardians to reach out to our staff via phone or Parent Square with any questions or concerns that they may have. Furthermore, I encourage all of our community to stay connected with Alliance Middle School through our website and social media channels.
In closing, I am honored to lead our excellent school and the community that it serves, and grateful for the tremendous support from so many stakeholders that allow our staff to do what we do best…..help our students grow!
Go Aviators!
Tim Mosher, AMS Principal