Alliance City Schools will be closed all of next week for Thanksgiving Break! We wish our Aviators a safe, happy and relaxing break! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
thanksgiving break
AT&T donated school supplies to Karlin Morgan's classroom for all the little kiddos! We would like to thank them for their donation and support of our youngest Aviators! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Have a safe and happy Halloween, Aviators! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Report cards are out today for the first quarter! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
report cards
There's no school on Tuesday, Nov. 2! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Kindergarten students recently learned about their five senses and body systems! They took part in a variety of fun activities including placing organs on a felt body and listening to each others hearts. Hands-on learning is fun for our little Aviators! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Some of our AELS kiddos will have their safety drawings displayed in the 2022 Morgan Engineering safety calendar! As part of art class, the students drew pictures related to safety. The students who had their pictures chosen for the calendar received a certificate and gift card from Morgan Engineering! In addition, AELS received a donation. We are grateful to have community partners, such as Morgan Engineering, that continuously support our students and schools! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
morgan engineering
morgan engineering
The students and staff at AELS celebrated Halloween on Friday! Take a look at all the fun costumes! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AELS Halloween
AELS Halloween
AELS Halloween
AELS Halloween
Don't forget students are being dismissed two hours earlier today! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
early dismissal
Friday is the end of the first quarter and it is an early dismissal day for students! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Mrs. Rachelle Miller's preschool class has had fun learning about and creating art. Last week they had a visit from the art teacher from Artful Living and Learning, Miss M. She taught the students about a famous artist named Gustav Klimt and showed them his painting of the tree of life. The students then created their own version of a tree using a technique called resist. The student's enjoyed getting to create their own piece of art. They also learned about community helpers and talked about what they want to be when they grow up. The class turned their dramatic play area into a fire station. #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
The ACS Food Service staff works hard to plan and prepare meals that students will enjoy, and that means making food that's fresh and delicious. Don't forget to thank the staff in our food service department! Every one of them does an amazing job caring for our students! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
school lunch week
Does your child like to play basketball? Check out the flyer below for the YMCA's Youth Basketball League! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Students at ACS have the opportunity to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables each week with their meals! Bananas, apples and grapes are some of the favorite fruits and students love the fresh salads and veggies they receive with their lunches. #RepthatA #NationalSchoolLunchWeek
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
school lunch week
Don't forget tomorrow is picture day for Kindergarten and Morning Preschool students and Thursday is picture day for First Grade and Afternoon Preschool students! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
picture day
On Friday, Oct. 22, ACS is having a Breast Cancer Awareness Day! Don't forget to Think Pink! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
think pink
This week is National School Lunch Week! The Food Service Department at Alliance City Schools works hard each day to ensure students receive a healthy and balanced meal allowing them to focus and learn throughout the day #RepthatA #NationalSchoolLunchWeek
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
school lunch week
Don't forget there is no school on Monday, Oct. 11! Enjoy the long weekend! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
no school
The AHS Auxiliary is having a Community Night at McDonald's on Wednesday! #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Have you downloaded the free ACS app? View lunch menus, news, upcoming events and a customizable live feed on the app! The app is free to download for Apple and Android devices. #RepthatA
over 3 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
acs app